Ashtalakshmi Temple - chennai

Ashtalakshmi Temple

Ashtakshmi Temple is a Hindu temple that honors the eight manifestations of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity and wealth.

Mahalakshmi (goddess of wealth and prosperity) Mahasaraswati (goddess of knowledge and skill) Mahakali (goddess of power and destruction) Mahalakshmi (goddess of beauty and grace) Maheswari (goddess of fertility and abundance) Maha Gauri (goddess of abundance) purity and wealth) Forgiveness) Mahakumari (goddess of chastity and divinity) Maha Vishnu (goddess of Preservation and Protection) This temple is an example of Dravidian architecture; The walls and columns were beautifully decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures. The temple is built in the shape of an eight-wheeled chariot, representing the eight manifestations of Goddess Lakshmi. The building is decorated with statues and carvings, including a large statue of Goddess Lakshmi in the middle. The temple also has many smaller shrines to other Hindu deities like Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. The temple also hosts many rituals and workshops throughout the year, including concerts, dance performances and art exhibitions. These events showcase the rich heritage of South India and provide a platform for artists and artists to showcase their talents.

How to reach Ashtakshmi Temple in Chennai?

Drive Chennai airport to Ashtakshmi Temple covers about 17 km.