Sims Park Coonoor - Tamilnadu
Sims Park in Coonoor is a popular tourist destination in the Nilgiri, known for its stunning natural beauty, diverse vegetation and manicured gardens. The beauty of the surrounding landscape, making it a paradise for enthusiasts and photographers alike. The park is covered in lush greenery with rolling hills, tea plantations and the picturesque town of Coonoor in the background. The calm weather and calm wind make this the perfect place to vacation. One of the main attractions of Sims Park is the flower show held every summer. There is a special area for children to play, equipped with swings, slides and other entertaining areas for children to have fun. There are also beautiful hiking trails that allow tourists to pass through beautiful places. The park also has a recreational lake where visitors can rent paddle boats for excursions on the water.

This garden was laid out in 1874 by J.D.Sim, the then Secretary to Government and Major Murray acting Superintendent of Forest and Park was named after the former. Though this was started as a pleasure resort for the residents and visitors, the park has now developed into a garden. This garden is spread over 12 hectares of undulating land and possesses a number of natural advantages at an elevation of 1768 – 1798 mts above M.S.L.
How to reach in Sims Park Coonoor?
Nearest airport to Coonoor is Coimbatore airport. Drive from Coimbatore airport to Sims Park covers about 75 km.