Our Lady of Light Church - Tamilnadu

Our Lady of Light Church

If you are thinking of visiting Chennai, then a visit to Luz Church must definitely be on your itinerary. Luz Church, officially known as the Church of Our Lady of Light, which dates back to the 16th century. It was built by Portuguese missionaries who came to India during the colonial period.
This is a must visit place for architecture lovers as this church combines Portuguese and Tamil architectural elements to create a visually stunning structure. The facade of the church is decorated with intricate carvings and sculptures that showcase the craftsmanship of that time. The interior of the church is equally stunning, with beautiful stained glass windows, an ornate altar, and exquisite artwork. It is a symbol of Chennai's diverse heritage and represents the harmony of different communities.
The most popular events and celebrations in Luz Church occur throughout the year, attracting the attention of people from all walks of life. These events showcase the traditions, music and dance of local communities and offer visitors a unique cultural experience.

How to reach Our Lady of Light Church?

Drive from Chennai airport to Chennai airport to Luz Church covers about 16 km.

Visiting Time in Our Lady of Light Church?

08:00am to 11:00pm & 01:00pm to 5:00pm

Entrance fee in Our Lady of Light Church?

No Fees

Camera / Video fee in Our Lady of Light Church?

Free for both Video and Still camera

Holidays in Our Lady of Light Church?

No Holidays